Call or email for info
sample items

Think about buying sterling silverware as an investment that you use
and eat with! Try that with silver bars/rounds/coins!
PLAYING GAMES AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED. Look at the drop in silver
this past month.
Many antique and older
pieces as above
Antique sterling, estate, and sometimes brand new sterling
silverware, sterling flatware, silver, cutlery, & tableware from one of the
largest and most diverse sources in the country. Virtually ALL!
manufacturers including several out of production makers and
patterns. Alvin,
Buccellati, Dansk, Dominick and Haff, Durgin,
Easterling, George Jensen, Gorham, International, Kirk
Stieff, Lunt, Oneida/ Heirloom, Reed and Barton, Shreve,
Frank Smith, Tiffany, Towle, Wallace, Wood and Hughes and many, many
more. Over 900 current, obsolete and antique sterling silverware and sterling
flatware patterns in stock, one to 200+ pieces in each!
We can direct you to other sources for
almost anything in sterling!!!! Some golf items also!!
Want to order? Need
information? Let's get started:
you know that sterling silverware is 925 parts (i.e. .925)
silver, 75 parts copper for strength or numbers 950 (50 parts
copper) out of 1000. The word sterling is usually in
relief i.e. elevated, on the back on most silver pieces or there are
sterling hallmarks in the bowls on many European patterns. Coin silver
is 900/1000 fine silver 100 parts copper. Do you know
the pattern you want (maker, pattern, piece lengths, knife blade style, etc), or
just want general information, then email us
or information, >>> Click >
sure what you have or want, then send us a scan, picture (even from your cell!),
JPG picture or other information including any hallmarks (symbols
like a Lion, Anchor, Indian head, Eagle in a shield, etc) on the
back and we'll try to do an ID for you. Click
on the sterling information and hallmarks on the
<<<< vertical navbar to the left .
Then come back
here and email us
Click >
Several New Sets
Five Gorham Buttercup PLACE size (larger than lunch
just a tad smaller than dinner...there's P in a rhombus (baseball
diamond) on the forks, knives, and salads)... settings New
in Wrappers 5 piece settings $255, Knife, fork, tea, salad and place spoon
by International 12 Four piece settings
new in wrappers $185 each
Gorham King Edward Six 5 piece PLACE size settings
new wrappers $245 in pairs each
Wallace Grande Baroque
12 four piece place
size settings New in wrappers $265 18 Large Gumbos soups $135
Gorham Decor (1953 first made) ten (10) dinner size four piece
settings like New $235 each
Georg Jensen--Acorn and other patterns
Rosepoint 66 Piece set $3,200 with a new box and new
storage felts 12 5 piece settings (dessert spoon) plus 6 servers
Twelve four piece settings DINNER larger size
Towle FRENCH PROVINCIAL Modern Blade Just out of Wrappers $185 plus extras
More new settings available.
sterling sets are possible. A large, heavy set possible in International
Royal Danish up to 40 settings plus serving pieces. Smaller catering
sets in several other patterns.
Many Soup ladles,
sardine forks (small serving pieces 5-7 tines), butter picks, petite four
tongs, ice tongs and much much
have many Obsolete Patterns/Pieces -- Asparagus servers,
mustard ladles, sardine forks, horseradish spoons, side pronged
cucumber servers, butter
picks...on and on. Inventory varies. A few pieces of
early coin silver 900 standard.
Current and Out of Current Production Silverware
Patterns and pieces. Hundreds of patterns...thousands of pieces.
Collectible Sterling Silverware
-- Rare, Exotic, Unusual, and often unique items such as horseradish
spoons, mustards, cucumber, and macaroni servers!!
For replacement or add to your settings' (Inventory) inquiry information, please
measure your forks (tines down) and knives to nearest 1/8".
Knives are New French if there is a jut to one side at the mating of the
stainless blade to the sterling handle. Otherwise, you have Modern
blade knives. (Exception: Older patterns may be Old French or Blunt
bladed: still a jut but the blades are wider and curving for Old
French and oblong for blunt blades). Click below for a picture
>>> Knife styles and blades
Determine and then email
us Click >
Exception: Grill size
Long handles short blades tines Click >>Grill
Order or inquiry/Inventory
information: Our inventory is huge, varied,
and constantly changing, so for accuracy, we do not include our inventory
on line. We give personal service to your wants.
Please email us
for availability of your pattern Click >> 
Click Sterling specials at the left to see monthly specials. Also, we
will not and cannot do sterling appraisals without having the silver in hand.

Basic four piece settings
Knife fork tea salad
Heavy French pattern for Christofle Joubert
Dinner size set for six with 11 pieces across!!! Basic
four piece plus fruit knife/fork, cocktail, soup, dessert,
butter knife, ice cream spoon. Plus 8 serving pieces!!!!
Absolutely like new Store price once $25,000+ Our price is
than 60% off!!!. $10,595 Dine in
luxury next week at substantial savings!!! Now inactive.
Supposedly bot/used at the French legation in San Francisco Click
for thumbnail
Gorham Chantilly
4 piece
settings plus many serving pieces!!! (Used on Air Force One)
Lunch size French or Modern blades
each four piece New and estate servers too Click
for thumbnail Gorham Strasburg
(Strasbourg) also. 4 Piece lunch settings $135 -- 4 Piece Place size
settings $165-
Baroque. We
have many 4 piece place size settings with lots of servers as
well. Most is like new. Hollowware also. Place size $175 New in wrappers or torn wrappers $225 Larger Dinner 4 piece settings
by Georg Jensen
four piece settings
Knife 9”, Fork 7 ½” Tea 6
1/8” Salad 6 5/8” $475
each setting all polished and ready to go; Several place pieces as well
Royal Danish
hollowware can be added.
other George Jensen patterns in stock: Beaded, Acanthus, Cactus,
Blossom, et al
Many other
patterns with 4 piece settings, soup spoons, cocktail forks, butter
spreaders and serving pieces available.
Call, email SterSource@Aol.Com,
or click>>>
or write for pattern information and availability. Check
monthly specials
also. |